Cultivating Alpha Opportunities in Canada’s Breadbasket

For investors seeking stable returns from agricultural farmland, Saskatchewan-focused fund may be the ideal play. 

As an alternative investment, farmland has historically offered the potential for diversification and inflation protection within institutional portfolios and family offices. As investors look to fortify their portfolios against economic and market headwinds, the Avenue Living Agricultural Land (ALAL) Trust is turning heads. Launched in 2016, the first closed-end fund of the ALAL Trust has grown by 12.6% on an annualized basis. The portfolio holds 83,000 acres of productive farmland in Saskatchewan valued at $175 million. With that fund now closed, Avenue Living is set to launch a new open-end investment vehicle to provide investors with indirect exposure to farmland.

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Leader Profile: Jason Jogia

As the chief investment officer of Avenue Living, Jason Jogia plays a key role in the firm’s strategy: looking past trophy real estate to focus on everyday assets like workforce housing, commercial real estate, farmland, and self-storage. Learn more about how Jason’s life-long fascination with real estate set him on the path to becoming Avenue Living’s CIO.

This commentary and the information contained herein are for educational and informational purposes only and do not constitute an offer to sell, or a solicitation of an offer to buy any securities or related financial instruments. This article may contain forward-looking statements. Readers should refer to information contained on our website at for additional information regarding forward-looking statements and certain risks associated with them.

How Self-Storage Protects Today’s Investor

Investors weary of market volatility and looming inflation look to self-storage for stability over the long term. 

The self-storage industry has long been known for supporting people through everyday life events – the five D’s: downsizing, dislocation, death, divorce, and disaster. These drivers form the baseline demand for, and stickiness of, self-storage, making it one of the most attractive alternative asset classes during economic volatility.

Learn more about what’s driven Mini Mall Storage Properties’ growth and how a flagship company within the Avenue Living operating platform, shares many of the same guiding principles: operational excellence, customer satisfaction, and sound investment decisions that reduce unsystematic risk.

This commentary and the information contained herein are for educational and informational purposes only and do not constitute an offer to sell, or a solicitation of an offer to buy any securities or related financial instruments. This article may contain forward-looking statements. Readers should refer to information contained on our website at for additional information regarding forward-looking statements and certain risks associated with them.

Inside Innovation: Private REIT Taps the CIB for Multi-Unit Energy Retrofit Financing

The call has gone out from all levels of government for more affordable homes across Canada. However, solutions to the country’s housing needs must simultaneously address carbons and GHGs.

Rather than simply building new or tearing down and rebuilding some resolution can also be found by taking another look at existing buildings, particularly low and mid-density multi-family structures. Through major financing offered by Crown Corporation, the Canada Investment Bank (CIB), a privately-held Canadian REIT is tackling both the housing and emission issues head-on. Learn how Avenue Living is helping address the housing shortage, sustainably.

Manufacturing Alpha: Avenue Living’s Three-Factor Formula for Success

Our CIO, Jason Jogia, joined @Wealth Professional to discuss the strategy that sets Avenue Living apart, allowing us to thrive regardless of market conditions.

“We’ve always had to manufacture alpha by out-operating our peers,” says Jason. “By being able to operate effectively, we’ve been able to create a defensible multi-family portfolio.” 

Our approach is built on three key drivers: strategic diversification, customer focus, and operational integration. Read more about these foundational elements and how they have allowed us to build a successful business model.